- 05-05-97
- [AllStarMag] allstar news 04-30-97
- It often seems that Minnesota is more widely recognized for its contribution of Husker
Du and the Replacements than, say,
- Hubert Humphrey or Walter Mondale, probably because the state's musicians have been more
successful at being their own best advocates than local politicians.
- Staying true to form, local music magazine The Squealer is releasing
- Shuffle This, a compilation of previously unreleased material from area artists ranging
from local favorites to nationally known acts like Soul Asylum.
- The compilation, which is scheduled for a May 6 release, will include tracks from
- Tommy Stinson's band Perfect,
- the Cows,
- Run Westy Run,
- and the aforementioned
- Soul Asylum.
- Their track, "Painkiller," includes backing vocals from
- Jayhawk Gary Louris and Run Westy's Kraig Johnson.
- Adding to the collection's sense of history, ex-Husker Du member Grant Hart dug through
his personal
tape library to
- contribute a live version of "Persuaded"
- by his now- defunct outfit Nova Mob. Still, the most historically significant track on
the album would have to be the Suicide Commandos'
- live 1977 recording of "Commando Rhapsody." Though not well known nationally,
the band is generally considered the area's seminal late '
- 70s punk band, and is widely acknowledged as having opened the doors for the explosion
of talent that emerged from the area during the '80s.
- Tracks from local favorites like February, The Magnolias,
- and Bill Lang Trio round out the 21-song collection.
- The Squealer has been noted for nearly three years for its coverage of midwestern music
and its often irreverent and bizarre non-fiction.
- In return for the magazine's support of the regional music scene, all the tracks were
donated by the artists. According to Editor- in- Chief
- Laura Brandenburg, "It really speaks well
- of the local music community that all these incredible musicians were willing to donate
their time and talent to this very grassroots effort."
- Shuffle This is distributed through The Electric Fetus and can be ordered through them
at 612-870-9300.
- Further information on the disc or the magazine can be obtained by contacting The
Squealer at 612-378-9523.
-Bill Snyder